The Legendary!

Kongregate is an old flash game website that I used to absolutely love playing on when I was younger, especially in middle school. I would spend hours playing through all the games on this website when I was in class, at lunch and a lot while at home. Some notable games I remember are Infectinator, Bad Eggs 2, ShellShock 2, Carbon Combat, Swords and Souls and Gravity Wars. I spent so much time playing multiplayer games, and I found it insanely humerous that they often had text chat where people would just be crazy.

I think a big part of my childhood was spending time online enjoying games with strangers. There's something amazing about that I miss, communicating with completely random people over a game and either having a nice chat or just witnessing something hilarious happen. Not only did most games have their own built in text chat, but Kongregate had active chat rooms for every individual game you could play, as well as global chats that anybody playing any game could chat in. I made plenty of early online friends through this site, as since you could make an account it was somewhat like a social media as well.

One of my most favorite games that I used to play on Kongregate (besides ShellShock 2, that was my number 2 game) was Everybody Edits! I loved this game! It was a bit like Minecraft in that people made their own maps and hosted them for others to play in. Everything was made in a grid, and each person was a 1x1 grid spot emoticon that you could change. I vividly remember playing through a bunch of parkour / maze type maps watching everybody pass through a room I was struggling in, or seeing people below me attempt challenges I had already beaten.

I can even still log into my old account I used to play on. Thank God for the internet saving things like this. So here it is, in case anybody wants to friend me or something lmao.

I occasionally go back on here to stroll through my friends list and old DMs and messages sent for a kick of nostalgia. I really really miss the old era of flash games, especially multiplayer. The internet used to have so many opportunities to connect with people, but now it's all social media apps that drain your energy. Thankfully will some elbow grease and work, we can create sites like mine and thousands of others on Neocities to make the internet interactive, creative and connective once again. Even though I can't see everybody who looks at my page I feel as if I am connecting and sharing my story with all of you online. We gotta cherish that and savor it!