W E L C O M E T O M Y P A G E ! !

My name is Ryan, or ryha11a, and I very much enjoy anything old web, retro, tech and nerdy game shit!!! I also very much enjoy urban exploring, photography, video editing, various media (movies, TV), dead malls, analog horror, and retro gaming! My goal for this website is to just make it a little journal of mine, including sections and tons of graphics for all my interests and things I enjoy!The current mood of ryha11a at

NOW LISTENING TO: Bo Burnham, Good Charlotte, Incubus

you hear a mysterious water flow...

To Do List...

- Dream Journal
- More graphics
- More reviews
- update music interest page
- more fun thingies

extra about me!

  • I'm 21 years old, and I live in the USA! (I hate it here...xd)
  • I live in a tiny house with my beautiful girlfriend of 2.5 years, Maddie!
  • MY favorite liquor is probably Fireball
  • I have a New 2DS XL, my original Wii, PS4, Xbox One, and my PC which I mainly use!
  • I skipped univeristy to dodge debt, don't need that education to become a photographer
  • My fav genre of music is definitely Alt Rock!
  • My favorite color...if you couldn't PURPLE!

New 2ds XL

I love the Nintendo DS system. Unfortunately I made the STUPID decision of selling my 3ds XL and all my games a few years ago...I guess it wasn't stupid because I used that money to buy my DSLR camera, but anywho! Now, I have a New 2DS XL! I don't much care for the 3D effects and I like the design and feel of the New 2DS better anyways. Of course, as any sane person would, I jailbroke it and have been using it to play many of the classics I never owned / played as a kid! Here are some of the titles I've really enjoyed playing in my adulthood...

Here is the system itself!

I put a bunch of stickers on it lol. Found it two years ago at a local game store for $200!!! Worth it imo since I just homebrewed it to death. Idk why we have given up the handheld format, it's perfect for gaming anywhere you go! Not to mention StreetPass, I love that feature. I also installed a revival service for Miiverse called rverse and people still use it! Feels like the good old days. Wow I sound old LMAO

helpful links!

bear with me...gotta find sumn...

Web Graphics

i'll put something here later, i edited this before work in the morning LOL!!!